• Our curriculum for Personal, Social and Health Education (PSHE) at Eversley equips children to live as responsible and independent citizens in their local and wider community.

    PSHE lessons support the social, moral, spiritual, cultural and physical development of children and prepares them for the opportunities and responsibilities of life. Our pupils develop skills, knowledge and understanding in how to keep themselves and others healthy and safe in the real and digital world.

    Through PSHE lessons, children develop key attributes such as resilience, self-esteem, working as part of a team and independence. Areas within the curriculum include: rights, rules and responsibilities; working together; personal health and hygiene; managing risks; healthy lifestyles and understanding their emotions. Learning in the PSHE curriculum allows children to apply skills, knowledge and understanding from other curriculum areas such as science, computing and RE.

    As part of their PSHE curriculum, children in Year 5 and 6 undertake Relationships and Sex Education (RSE). In Year 5 children learn about the changes that occur during puberty and in Year 6 children develop an understanding about how babies are made and how babies are born.

    The skills, knowledge and understanding developed in PSHE are applied across the life of the school in a variety of ways such as:

    • through collaborative partner and team work in lessons;
    • social interactions in and around the school;
    • a Pupil Council of elected representatives from each class that help to improve the school;
    • work with the Bike-It initiative whereby children learn to maintain a bicycle and how to ride it safely;
    • First Aid training;
    • local road safety walks;
    • half-termly Walk ‘n’ Talk events around the neighbouring Eversley fields;
    • learning about other countries and cultures by sharing learning with children from around the world, such as our partner school in Wuxi, China;
    • learning about sustainability and their role in environmental issues through Eco-Schools;
    • supporting local and national charities through enterprise lessons, non-uniform days and fundraising fayres;
    • marking of Fairtrade Fortnight through assemblies and special lessons;
    • themes of daily assemblies, which also refer to our shared British Values – Democracy, The Rule of Law, Mutual Respect, Tolerance and Individual Liberty.

    Each year the school holds an Anti-Bullying Week where children learn how to be good friends to one another and how to report bullying. Eversley also takes part in the annual national Safer Internet Week, enabling children to learn in depth how they can stay safe online and use technology responsibly.