Music is an integral part of school life and is key to offering our children a broad and varied curriculum of study from our pupils in Reception to Year 6; it develops a range of important skills within a child such as listening and evaluation skills as well as developing fine and gross motor control.
Music is taught in a fun, interactive and practical way, with children studying both contemporary and classical music, traditional music by British composers as well as music from a range of cultures.
Opportunities are given to all pupils at Eversley Primary School through a range of music activities and provision such as:
- weekly keyboard lessons for all children in Year 4
- a weekly school choir for children in Key Stage 1
- a weekly school choir for children in Key Stage 2
- peripatetic teaching of keyboards and violins, available for children in both Key Stage 1 and 2
- singing in assemblies daily
- learning songs to sing to perform in special assemblies and performances to mark a range of festivals and celebrations such as harvest, Christmas and Easter
- percussion groups performing accompaniment to songs in harvest assembly and Christmas nativity plays
- taking part in local music festivals in both Key Stage 1 and 2