Discover Story Centre

March 05, 2024

Wow! What an adventure we had today at Discover! The children were so excited that our long journey there went very quickly!

When we arrived we listened to one of the Discover story leaders read “Speak Up!”. We then helped our story leader to design and build a rocket out of junk modelling. Next we went on an adventure in a real Box Rocket to Planet Nan. We found that the special crystal had lost its energy and we had to find words all around the exhibition to charge it back up. In the exhibition there were different areas for playing, including a shop, a beach, a beehive, a bubble bath and a picnic. The children could search for words that were hidden in all the different areas. When we came together the children called out the words they found and charged up the crystal. Then it was back down to earth for lunch!

After lunch we had some time to play in the beautiful play garden before getting back onto the coach to school.

We were so proud of how well all the children behaved today, I think they will all have very fond memories of their first school trip.

(more photos on Tapestry)